There’s a day for everything. Have you heard of Talk Like Yoda Day (May 21) or Chicken Wing Day (July 29)? Of the 365 days in a year, it’s tough to find a day that doesn’t celebrate something. That includes wine, beer and spirits! It’s why I’ve put together the 2021 Drinks Calendar. Bookmark this link because it’s going to come in handy on several occasions. This calendar is your fail-safe guide to knowing what bottles to have on hand for which holiday.
To cover all our basis, I’ve included national holidays which are American holidays (of course Canada can celebrate too!) I’ve also included international holidays.
Finally, these holidays exist mostly for social media. So in addition to popping a cork at home, make sure to take a picture and post it on social media. I’ve included the necessary hashtags to help you out.
2021 Drinks Calendar
- 1 – National Bloody Mary Day (#NationalBloodyMaryDay)
- 17 – National Hot Buttered Rum Day (#NationalHotButteredRumDay)
- 24 – National Beer Can Appreciation Day (#BeerCanAppreciationDay)
- 1 – International Furmint Day (#FurmintDay)
- 18 – National Drink Wine Day (#NationalDrinkWineDay)
- 21 – National Margarita Day (#NationalMargaritaDay)
- 27 – Open That Bottle Night (#OpenThatBottleNight)
The last Saturday in February is Open That Bottle Night. It’s a day for you to find a bottle on your wine rack that is in danger of being left too long. With COVID, I realize many wine racks are already empty. Just in case there is one or two bottles that you’re holding on to, this is the day for you.
- 3 – National Mulled Wine Day (#National MulledWineDay)
- 5 – National Absinthe Day (#NationalAbsintheDay)
- 13 – Riesling’s Birthday (#RieslingBirthday)
- 18 – World Riesling Day (#RieslingDay)
- British Columbia Wine Month (#BCWineMonth)
- 7 – National Beer Day (#NationalBeerDay)
- 17 – World Malbec Day (#WorldMalbecDay)
- Oregon Wine Month (#ORWineMonth)
- 1- National Homebrew Day (#NationalHomebrewDay)
- 7 – International Sauvignon Blanc Day (#SauvignonBlancDay)
- 9 – World Moscato Day (#WorldMoscatoDay)
- 16 – World Whiskey Day (#WorldWhiskeyDay)
- 17 – Pinot Grigio Day (#PinotGrigioDay)
- 25 – National Wine Day (#NationalWineDay)
- 27 – International Chardonnay Day (#ChardonnayDay)
- 4 – Cognac Day (#CognacDay)
- 12 – National Rosé Day (#NationalRoséDay)
- 19 – International Drink Chenin Blanc Day
- 21 – Lambrusco Day (#LambruscoDay)
- 25 – International Rosé Day (#InternationalRoséDay)
It may seem odd to celebrate two rosé days in a single month. The first day acknowledges the national festivities. The second recognizes rosé’s worldwide achievements. Indulge in rosé this month – it’s worth it!
Have your favourite bottle of rum on standby this month, you’ll be using it on a few occasions.
- 2 – National Anisette Day (#NationalAnisetteDay)
- 10 – National Piña Colada Day (#NationalPinaColadaDay)
- 11 – National Mojito Day (#NationalMojitaDay)
- 19 – National Daiquiri Day (#NationalDaiquiriDay)
- 24 – National Tequila Day (#NationalTequilaDay)
- 27 – National Scotch Day (#NationalScotchDay)
- Washington Wine Month (#WAWineMonth)
- Rosé Month (#NationalRoséMonth)
- 1-5 – International Albariño Days
- 4 – National White Wine Day (#NationalWhiteWineDay)
- 6 – International Beer Day (#InternationalBeerDay)
- 13 – National Prosecco Day (#NationalProseccoDay)
- 16 – National Rum Day (#NationalRumDay)
- 18 – Pinot Noir Day (#PinotNoirDay)
- 28 – National Red Wine Day (#NationalRedWineDay)
- 30 – International Cabernet Sauvignon Day (#InternationalCabernetDay)
- California Wine Month (#CAWineMonth)
- 17 – International Grenache Day (#GrenacheDay)
- 20 – National Rum Punch Day (#NationalRumPunchDay)
- 28 – National Drink Beer Day (#NationalDrinkBeerDay)
- 29 – National Coffee Day (#NationalCoffeeDay)
- 30 – National Mulled Cider Day (#NationalMulledCiderDay)
- 4 – National Vodka Day (#NationalVodkaDay)
- 9 – International Pinotage Day (#PinotageDay)
- 22 – Global Champagne Day (#ChampagneDay)
- 27 – National American Beer Day (#NationalAmericanBeerDay)
November brings us a month filled with red wine. This is a your chance to explore reds outside of your comfort zone by sipping on a California flagship like Zinfandel or a Spanish specialty like Tempranillo.
- 1 – International Xinomavro Day (#InternationalXinomavroDay)
- 7 – International Merlot Day (#InternationalMerlotDay)
- 9 – International Tempranillo Day (#TempranilloDay)
- 17 – National Zinfandel Day (#NationalZinfandelDay)
- 18 – Beaujolais Nouveau Day (#BeaujolaisNouveauDay)
- 24 – Carménère Day (#CarménèreDay)
I will always question why Sangria Day falls in December…just lean into it.
- 4 – Cabernet Franc Day (#CabFrancDay)
- 5 – Prohibition Repeal Day (#ProhibitionRepealDay)
- 20 – National Sangria Day (#NationalSangriaDay)
- 31 – National Champagne Day (#ChampagneDay)
Notice any days that I’ve missed or are incorrect? Please let me know. I’m happy to make edits to the 2021 drinks calendar wherever needed to make sure your celebrations happen on the appropriate day.
I’ve got a FREE printable version of this calendar up for grabs. Simply sign up for our newsletter on the right side of your screen. The calendar will get sent straight to your inbox after you confirm your email address.
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