Fact: Sauvignon Blanc tastes better when you drink it outside. It’s impossible to dispute so it must be true, right? Last weekend, the last of the snow finally melted in Calgary so we washed our deck and have been enjoying some glorious sunshine-y moments sitting outside. One evening, we pulled out the chessboard (a fantastic quarantine activity btw) and poured a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. It. Was. Delightful.
In honour of Sauvignon Blanc Day on May 1st, we’re playing fact or myth. Keep tabs on your score as we get to know one of the quintessential grapes to enjoy in warmer weather. Oh heck, you might as well pour yourself a glass too!
Ready, set, go – fact or myth?
Sauvignon Blanc is French
Fact: It’s originally from Bordeaux but has adapted very well in regions all over the world – especially New Zealand.
It’s great for sipping but doesn’t pair well with food
Myth: Sauv Blanc is incredibly versatile and is a great pairing wine, especially with citrus. Grilled fish with a squeeze of lemon. Roasted cauliflower with lime zest and garlic. Or lemon and herb bbq chicken.
She’s a floozy
Both a Fact & Myth: One night, Sauvignon Blanc hooked up with Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon was born. What we don’t know is if it was a one-night stand or perhaps blanc and franc were in a loving & monogamous relationship. Either way, Sauvignon Blanc is a mom and the creation of Cabernet Sauvignon is one we should all be eternally grateful for.
Sauvignon Blanc does well in both cool and warm climates
Fact: It’s one of the most planted white wine grapes in the entire world with varying flavours depending on the climate. Most people identify it most by its crisp, tanginess with flavours of citrus, grass and herbs. You can find this style in a cooler climates like New Zealand, Chile and some parts of British Columbia. Tropical fruit flavours and apple notes are more prominent in warmer climate versions from California, South Africa or parts of Australia.
It only likes to hang out by itself
Myth: While most commonly sipped on as a single varietal wine, it can be blended. Its bestie is Semillon and the combination of the two is more common in French Bordeaux expressions.
It likes to play dress-up
Fact: In instances where oak aging is used, Sauvignon Blanc goes by the synonym Fumé Blanc. This term was coined in the 60s by Robert Mondavi in California which is where you’ll find versions that express more smoky notes. Fumé means smoke in French.
It’s the fifth most planted white grape in British Columbia
Fact: According to winebc.com, it falls behind Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer and Riesling in regards to acres planted.
Thanks for playing! Which fact or myth were you most surprised by?