4 Reasons Why This Isn’t Your Typical Wine Blog

by | Aug 11, 2020

When I started this website in 2015, it didn’t originate as a blog. It was a hub for my in-home wine tasting services. I wrote articles and shared personal experiences as a bonus for visitors. I soon realized I had a unique voice to offer. One that was relatable and could help make wine fun and un-intimidating. With a lot of pride, this isn’t your typical wine blog.

Our family’s move to Calgary prompted a decision to stop doing wine tastings entirely to focus more on cellar management. But through the changes, I kept writing and what happened was completely organic. I found readers who enjoyed what I was writing! From Costco Wine Guides to Vegan Wine pairings – relatable topics are what people come back to read.

So, for that – thank you! I appreciate every page view and click through. You can see that I offer something different. If you’re a new reader, I’d love to know which of the following points of difference brought you here. Let me know in the comments below 🙂

I Don’t Rate Wine

I’ve wavered on this from time to time, but since the beginning, I’ve been intentional about not rating wine. I don’t rate because everyone’s tastes are different. Robert Parker introduced the famous 100-point system and it’s great for selling bottles in the store (tell me you haven’t bought a bottle because of a 90+ point sticker). But for me, my interpretation of dark cherry flavours or forest floor nuances are just that – interpretations. I like explaining WHY a wine tastes a certain way. And when the time comes for you to try that wine, I want you saying to yourself “oh yeah, what Nicole wrote makes total sense!”

Here for Wine Lovers, Not Wine Experts 

There are a lot of wine blogs out there and most of them fit into 2 categories. Either they’re written BY industry experts FOR industry experts, or they’re hobbyists with a fat wallet who like bragging about which wines they’ve tried. I am neither! I’m here for the wine lovers that want to better understand. I strive to enlighten without being pretentious. I share stories about 5th generation winemakers.  And I dole out nuggets of information that I learn along my own educational path. 

I Share the Ups and the Downs

Like any business, there are ups, downs, sideways manoeuvres and loop-de-loos. And I don’t hesitate to share those adventures with you. Ok, I hesitate a bit but only out of fear and shame (I’m working on that). In the end, I’m always honest and transparent. Have a question? I’ll answer it. Looking for information? I’ll help you find it the best way I can. 

Forever a Student

I don’t know everything. And anybody that claims they know everything is completely full of sh!t. To love wine means reading, studying and striving to understand. Always seeking answers and comprehending concepts. But even when I’m not enrolled in formal studies (which I am right now), I’ll always consider myself a student of wine. So, cheers to always learning and sharing that knowledge with others. 

So tell me, do you agree that this isn’t your typical wine blog? What brought you here and what keeps you here? I can’t wait to keep serving what you enjoy most!