Time to Play! Choose Your Own Wine Adventure: Self-Isolation

by | Apr 6, 2020

We’re living in unprecedented times. We’re avoiding large gatherings and maintaining social distancing. Essentially, we’re confining ourselves in our homes for as many hours of the day as possible. Most of us are doing so willingly for the greater good of our loved ones and communities. And we’re fortunate to live in a time of technology that’s making this social discomfort fairly comfortable. Even our local BC wineries are offering new selections and free shipping to help get us through this chaos. But for whatever discomfort you’re feeling, there’s a happy-hour light at the end of the tunnel. And since we all have some extra time on our hands, we’re turning the mundane decision of picking a wine into a Choose Your Own Wine Adventure: Self-Isolation interactive journey.

For this inaugural edition, we’re focusing on wines to enjoy while self-isolating during the Covid-19 pandemic. I’ve chosen to link to wines available at BC Liquor Stores, however these wines are readily available in most regions with the help of a google search.

Stay well, Social Sippers!

Choose Your Own Wine Adventure

Ready for the Choose Your Own Wine Adventure: Self-Isolation results? Click through the links to find out which wine to experience tonight!


1. Best for sipping while scrolling Tik Tok, inevitably deciding you’re too old and uncoordinated to post anything.

2. Best for sipping in the laundry room. Whether it’s to escape for a moment of silence or to tackle the 9 loads that need doing.

3. Best for sipping while you play Uno with your kids for the 7th time.

4. Best for sipping after negotiating 30 minutes of ‘you’ time. In your bedroom. With the door closed. Listening to your favourite podcast.


5. Best for sipping while looking up your next vacation destination. Who knows when it will happen. It’s just good to have a plan.

6. Best for sipping while playing hide and go seek with your kids. Find a really good hiding spot and you’ve got a solid 10 minutes to enjoy this vino!


7. Best for sipping with dinner, whatever your latest InstaPot concoction may be.

8. Best for sipping in the bathtub, after putting your kids to bed. Treat yourself to bubbles, you deserve it.

9. Best for sipping during your next Zoom catch-up call with friends. Don’t have one planned? Plan one, it helps.

10. Best for sipping while watching Tiger King. ‘Nuff said.